Acupuncture is one treatment modality used by Asian Medicine practitioners. In the last 50 years or so it has become more and more popular in the west. At your first acupuncture appointment your provider will ask you a ton of questions about your health concerns. This not only tells us how to diagnose your issue, it also gives us a chance to understand you as a unique individual. We’ll also look at your tongue and take your pulse, this provides more information about what’s going on inside your body.
Based on our diagnosis we select several acu-points on the body. Most people slip into a very calm state once the needles are inserted. Acupuncture effects the flow of blood and nervous system signaling, it helps tight muscles relax and it effects fascia it helps it unwind and conduct a piezoelectric charge better. The result is organ systems communicate better, nervous systems come out of hypertonic states, mobility is restored and people just feel more comfortable and at home in their bodies. This all works together to allow your body’s natural healing ability to take over.